The Future of SEO is Here
It was predicted, it has been talked about, and now it’s here: Position zero SEO. In 2019, for the first time in history of Google SERPs, more than 50% of all searches didn’t get any clicks, meaning they were answered right there on the search results page. It…
Google News 2019 October
The only constant in the SEO industry is change. Almost every day there is something new to learn whether it is coming from the search engines, website security, users’ behavior, or new technologies. In our SEO blog, we are covering the most important trends and…
The Latest Chrome Update: Block Mixed Content on HTTPS Pages
Google has recently announced they will continue to improve Chrome browser security by blocking mixed content on HTTPS pages. We will explain what it means and how this latest Chrome update can affect your website. Mixed content is images, videos, stylesheets,…
What Is Electronic Data Interchange
As your business evolves, it becomes easier to lose control in the entire document flow. Especially if you still use manual processes like conventional postal delivery services that are not only hard-to-track but can also be late or even lose the important package.…
Grow Social Media Presence in 2019
This year’s Holiday season is fast approaching. In less than 3 months social media platforms will be buzzing with ads and sales. If you feel that your business accounts are not ready to become a part of that, it’s about time to grow your social media presence…
Google Ads Optimization: Close Variants To Include Same-Meaning Words
You type potato and I type potahto, but Google will show us both a french fries ad. At least after its recent Google algorithm update that was announced on July 31st and will come into effect in the next few weeks. This update has a lot to do with Google Ads…